Ok I get what everyone means now
🚨 Eminem's tour dates have been announced!!
Top 4-5 fav slipknot songs from Iowa
Slipknot @ Spark Arena Auckland - 11/03/2025
Which one do you prefer? Despise or Purity?
To you, what album would you recognize just by the sound of it. I’ll go first
what is your favorite slipknot verse? heres mine
Who has the better current mask, Slipknot or mushroom head
Found the newest slipknot member on r/cats
Top 3 Favorite songs from Iowa
What’s y’all’s favorite song off of the Iowa Album?
If you had the chance to create a Slipknot album, what would you name it, including the tracks on it?
Did Slipknot finally play Gemetria the Killing Name live?
What Slipknot song do you think has the most badass name? I’ll go first.
Weekly Discussion Thread
What would you name the next Slipknot Album?
I'm new to Slipknot and would like some song suggestions based on the ones I like so far
This… is Slipknot!!!!!!!!!
What is this?
Is this real
who is the actress in the music video of Vermilion?
Favorite/least favorite Sid mask?
please help me figure out what song this is!!!
Whats your favorite song from this era and why?
Yes my favorite song from the Iowa album