F**k Scalpers - Prismatic Binder give-away.
I need film to make a grown man cry.
I’m suddenly okay after I did this
What's a skill you wish you'd learned earlier in life?
Its getting annoying remaining sober at social events.
I'm no longer excited by life
Comeback for short jokes
$100 million USD to survive 3 months 100,000 years ago
Don’t you just hate it when MMA meatheads turn up at judo
AITA for refusing to host Thanksgiving because my family keeps using my house as a free hotel?
My coworkers think this is disgusting and they never heard of somebody eating chips with cottage cheese. How many people do this?
LPT Request: my commute is about to change to 1:15 one way everyday. What is the best way to pass the time driving?
Why do kids not know what “quiet” means?
Love my display, what should I add?
Anyone else getting harassed by these two Mormons. The last three Sundays that I’ve come home, I’ve pulled into my parking spot to notice these two standing behind my car waiting to talk to me.
Did she atleast pay for her items?
I’ve never played a Final Fantasy game. Which one should I buy and play?
It's been in front of our eyes the whole time...
I fucking love being a PT
We are planning on launching on all telerehab clinic for patients recovering from orthopedic surgeries.
Our Profession is Dying
This made my jaw drop so I had to post it here
Good buy for the girlfriend? She has wanted to play sometimes, does not have a set. $100 9 club nitro set at Walmart.
[throwaway] my common law husband passed away 6 months ago, his sister wants me to give her his share of his inheritance.
Palpation of the spine