What did your husband wish he had when you gave birth?
Eggs for babies
Do you really have to go to bed early when you have young kids?
To cover the nipple to not cover, this is the question
Why choose an unmedicated birth?
What is a tender moment you had with your baby that you may not have considered when pregnant?
I can’t figure out why everything my brother makes tastes like soap when we use the same spices
I want to breastfeed but I’m scared of mastitis
Homeschooling before Children’s House?
Am I wrong to think I should be able to ask for a lil treat?
Fetal Doppler anxiety
Veterans fired from federal jobs say they feel betrayed, including some who voted for Trump
Baby during toddlers calm down/nap routine?
Breakfast ideas that aren’t egg?
I need someone , anyone to tell me that it’s okay that my baby was EBF for only 5 months
My toddler decided she hates shoes
Baby keeps getting hives randomly?
Consequences of "grazing" while shopping
30 Years Old, no criminal background, Wichita KS. Today I was put in cuffs and slammed against a window over an energy drink I didn't steal.
Boomers don’t understand DEI
How do I get my baby to drink water?
For this who didn’t get the epidural..
Vent: MIL refused to help us care for tot while we had Norovirus
Not enjoying the newborn phase like everyone says I should
As A Canadian OOP is the devil
AITA for removing the labels from the produce I bought for me and my gf.
Dropped my six month old baby!!!