I'm about to be in contract....What's everyones rates?
Clear to Close Time
I can't afford to maintain my home -- learn from my mistakes!
did the dang thing
Icelandair Name Change
Offer just got accepted, holy crap
Buying First Condo in Manhattan
Want to buy a house but afraid the market will crash afterwards
Buying down interest rate
It's A Home, Not An Investment
Should i pay house off early or not
Anything fishy with this mortgage estimate ?
First time home buyer
Provide General Location
Closing in 2 weeks!
Anyone else with a 6.7%+ rate?
Deciding how to fix an itinerary mistake
Iceland Currency
Need feedback on itinerary for our honeymoon trip in late September!
How much do Riot Fest tickets go up?
Jungle Bird Rum Blend?
Finalized Booking for our Honeymoon
Memorial Tattoo for my Dad done by Eris Qesari, Naperville Illinois
Advice Needed for first tattoo