Dermatologist said that minoxidil will likely not yield much re-growth with AGA
I typically attract Aquarius, but other than that do you guys feel there is a zodiac sign out there for us?
One year check up with my derm was today. Wanted to show you guys my progress!
Warped tour
My toddler’s speaking tablet arrived and I had to pick his AI voice. Overcome with sadness.
It was worth the wait guys 🥹
I’m new here and ever since I joined all I’ve been seeing is anti-Nazi stuff.
Plane Crash at DCA
A Blackhawk Helicopter Just Crashed Into An American Airlines Flight over The Potomac River
I drew Quest Squad
I'm bleeding to death and no one cares.
This is a serious question , please dont ban me! We all know meds will be hard to come by if SHTF so has anyone considered stocking up on illegal substances for emergencies?
Black Friday merch sale
Is it just me or David Wallace is pretty handsome
“Stomp the Yard” Has Won for the Color ORANGE!! Now for the Color: “YELLOW”!!
If someone grabbed you out of your chair right now and said you have to give a one hour speech on any topic of your choice as long as it was informative and they would pay you $10,000, what would your speech be about?
What qualifies someone as a classically trained singer?
Debating going to multiple shows
Would you fight the U.S. if it came to it?
Onyx storm binge read delayed until further notice
Anyone else feeling… left out while reading this?
No offense Americans but...
How old is the SJM average reader???
Brooke’s “Purple Reign” has won for the color Purple! Now for the color Pink!