Clan boss team?
Very new, might be a stupid question, but I was in way over my head going into bronze 2 in tag, do I still get the tier reward from bronze 2 if I drop into 1?
Where should I be farming for gear right now fairly early game day 34
Anyone here worth building? Faction Wars, Doom Tower, or even a super niche role
Is there any other purpose for mystery shards aside from food?
How the hell do I gear up my non-attack champs
Is it worth it to try to get it if it will take gems? So far it’s already taken 1000 gold bars and 1000 clan coins
What do I do with rare champions after I have full faction guardians?
Just hit level 42 when is the right time to use these?
Max gem mine what should spend my gems on next? Energy? Shards?
Currently with what I have here, what is the best I have to work with right now? Team for general dungeons/clan boss because I don’t think I have enough to make specialized teams at the moment
I have 12 Legendary Tomes which is enough to max either Underpriest Brogni who I pulled a couple weeks ago or Alice, who should I use them on?
Is Brogni Good?
Best way to build Brogni?
What’s the best I can do with what I have?
How do I find a new tournament whenever I open the tab it just takes me to the novice tournament which I finished 3 days ago
My clone army
606652875356 will send gift everyday, need xp/missions
Questions about training volume
Weekly Dumb/Newb Question Thread
Questions about training style
This Chemical Plant won’t take petroleum from the refinery can anyone help?
Magnus The Red would’ve been way cooler as a loyalist
[PC] W. Explosive and intelligence mod boxes H. Anti Armour, Doctors, weightless, crippling, inertial, warming and durability as well as caps
Why the price difference?