How much do you agree/disagree that there are fewer critical thinkers today than ever before and why do you believe that?
Who would you cast as Charlie in the upcoming smash hit about Charlie Sheen's life?
What song is stuck in your head right this very second?
How would you message a girl that’s in your class but you’ve never talked to before?
Do you think they have Taco Tuesday’s in hell? Why or why not?
What dream will you never be able to fulfill and why?
Which song gets you thinking every time it comes on?
Which Christmas song do you hate the most?
Who would you cast as Santa in a Christmas horror film about a demon-possessed Santa Claus?
What's a sign you're hideously unattractive?
What was the last decent song you listened to today?
What non-physical qualities in a person automatically spark your interest?
Who would you cast as the Pumpkin-Headed Killer in the upcoming eponymous smash hit?
What is something you just need to get off your chest?
If you could have a superpower but it has to be completely useless, what would it be?
If you woke up tomorrow as the opposite gender for a day, what’s the first thing you’d do?
What are some words of affirmation you use personally and you feel others can benefit from?
What’s the most overrated thing that everyone seems obsessed with?
How do you keep yourself peaceful in chaotic times?
What is the funniest song if you replace the word "girl" with "squirrel"?
If you could be a pirate, cowboy, or vampire what would you be?
What do you miss most about your ex?
What is the first word that comes to mind right this very second?
Humans of Reddit: What would your dream bathroom look like?
Have you ever experienced something paranormal? What happened?