whats your guess when smite 2 will be released ?
Smite 2 | Open Beta 2 Hun Batz Release Discussion & Bug Report Megathread
Aspect of Prey by Sobek
Amanita Charm
Viewing the items outside of the match?
Joust ranked
Where do you think Smite 1 will be in a few years time?
For colorblind people
Smite 2 Hastur predictions
Is ranked conquest gone?
Smite 2 is bullshit
Vulcan is coming out tomorrow.
Classic skins coming starting with Open Beta 3
Smite 2 Open Beta 2 Datamining - Bari Abilities Info and next deity name
My game seems to think I can't sign in but everyone else I know says everythings fine
Smite 1 is basically dead
Get rid of screeching gargoyle from the game
Is OB 2 patch today?
What’s the point of Smite 2?
Is there a global card effect customization setting in Smite 2 ?
If you enjoy Smite 2 leave a positive review!
Next God after Bari starts with H
Smite 2 beta roadmap ?
Hera Queen of the gods
God Aspects are awesome