Highland Cow <@wirbus>
Amen <@mucknagabe>
No fucking way
i cosplayed as Nick in a mall
What is bills melee weapon?
What is an immersive sim : a Legacy of ImSimAdjacent part 3/3
Now That it’s over… What was the point?
'slithering snake' <@dan_ojisan>
If Scientology Was a Book
The Suicide Squad game story has wrapped up
The Monsters of 2015's Evolve (Both ones that appear in the final product and ones that only appeared in the concept art)
Lola the Suicidal Maniac.
All Versions Of The Characters In Fireball
Which of these Cartoons would you like to see get the “DuckTales 2017” treatment and why?
My Kaede Akamatsu cosplay~♡
Favorite character that’s bald?
Is Dr. Breen contradicting himself? or is the word "Combine" actually fine to use?
Not gonna lie, if Greg was telling the truth here I'd leave a bad review too
Favorite character that has fire powers
Either a defining part or their whole design is primarily red and black
Life is not the same for everyone
Favorite Dead Indie Projects?
HorusGalaxy mod is calling for a "purge" of LGBTQ+ people. Subreddit ban speedrun strategy maybe?
What Brand of Shoes do you think Greg wears besides Converse?(Image Unrelated)
Games that deal with heavy themes