Dropped from class without warning
I saw one of my students in the wild
Walmart delivered groceries to wrong apartment… TWICE!
Need some perspective
Single life is even worse, thinking of going back
Letters of recommendation required for application
HR at your district
"Marriage is So Hard!!!"—No TF It Isn’t
What's small thing do poor people notice in middle class houses, that middle class people have no idea marks them as middle class?
If a birthday party is at 1pm, do you feed your kid beforehand?
The reason for the Admin/Teacher disconnect is because we have created an entire Profesional Managerial class whose job relies on it.
Admin asked, “What is one thing we can do this spring that would immediately make a positive impact on our campus culture and climate?”
Here's your regular reminder that school vouchers are a scam
Literally just said “shut the f*ck up to an email
Vote on the 4 amendments
Where can teachers afford to live?
I miss when we enforced behavior…
Appreciation from a student!
what’s one teaching expectation that feels completely unrealistic?
I'm not going to accommodate for your phone use
Any other teachers that don’t stand for the pledge?
Why so many basement kitchens?
Soon to be homeless
Students stunned when asked to write an essay in class
To the women who checked out long before separation