Oh no guys, it happened
I want Destiny to return to this art direction in Frontiers.
Destiny themed armor? #D2FashionFeedback
Im a D1 Vet + ratio
Destiny fashion has become cosplay central
I got overalls for Christmas. How would you style them?
And I took that personally…
Pause to read some bits, this is just genuinely embarrassing.
My current y3 farm layout.
Gimme your edgiest meme you'd probably get canceled for, and rightfully so
Looking for a weekend playmate
My mother is being manic and I'm worried about my little sister.
He has a piano masterclass for $3,000 with a portion going to Scientology!
Is this good for year 1?
Abaolute dumbest thing I've ever seen.
100+ games giveaway
Sour switchblade
I miss you
I keep resetting my stories to start new ones,to the point of my current one becoming an amalgamation of previous stories..
Not everyone can be a fast or prolific writer, and that's okay
Writing is much, much harder than I thought it will be
I think this is the single least fun GM in a very long time.
Already loving this set
How are people dying to the new ammo bomb modifiers in GMs? And what's with all the complaints about champion mods?