I took cool photos yesterday and wanted to share them :)
[18 F] What should I do? :)
What do you think my sign is and why? :)
Happy late Valentine’s Day everyone :)
Guess my sign!
My Valentine’s Day outfit :)
How many calories?
New growth or breakage?
Can someone tell me why my nose is crooked like this? And options for fixing it?
I went to the renaissance faire today what do we think? :)
I went to the renaissance fair today what do we think? :)
I went to the renaissance faire today rate my fit‼️
Are my eyes more grey or blue? :)
18F What vibes do I give off? :)
Thoughts? I've always been kinda sensitive about it
This feels kinda silly but could really use some kind words
If anyone wants to I’d love to see!!
Who do you think I look like? Theres definitely a few people that I get every so often...
Can I use minoxidil if I’m not balding, just have extremely thin hair? 18F
Do I have any? :)
18F how can I improve? :)
How bad is my nose? Questions below
18f I feel like I look different in every photo and have absolutely no idea what I look like