Jamesneese gift me
Zach Lewis’s racist chat
Austin's donating sub money
McLovin’s Jealousy is Showing, Salty Over Being “Second Choice”?
James Responds to a Select Few
James sends Mclovin a wolf 😭
Time to feast on the cake(s) - part 3
This is what you call true friendship 💜🖤
I really wanted to like Erica, but...
McLovin shows us around Medina, Saudi Arabia!
McLovins team carries in Toxic 2s to beat Zach and Trey 7 games straight!
McLovin shows Hassan a meme he made 🤣
McLovin says Zach and Trey always banters the same thing but I think McLovin’s banter is always somewhat Racist
The Math Aint Mathin 🤣🤣
Ish begs his chat for reasons why he’s losing supporters & crashes out about lack of gifts
This is the behavior that favorited condones & promotes; racism, ableism, body shaming & everything else in the book. Anything for money, I guess.
The Whining Today
Ratchet as they come omg poor bfendy all he said was “I know moneyline” and Ella went off on him and she was like what did he say he knows better then to talk shit about me we go back way back money like what’s good then bfendy said why you acting you like have him on a leash and she went off
How do people just throw their money at creators when they are just on their phones?
Gifting badges
Crash-out from last night—what are your thoughts on all the drama?
I’ll let you guys be the judge, but I am disgusted.
Did anyone else catch what Mclovin said about the Level 50 gifters last night? They gotta feel a certain way about that.