When I read/ hear about phantom shifts I often get that phantom shift
Feeling like an animal that just came back from the vet
Texted this by a random number
Well this is kinda weird
New Intake at the rescue I volunteer with
Real Inflation -- Bio Engineered and Factory Farmed at 9 Chickens Per Square Meter. Hmmm...
I'm a geographer and have been to every region of NYS extensively. This is my map of upstate regions.
Do you agree that therianthropy should simply be "I'm a therian because I say so"?
Trumpflation: coffee prices hitting records, thanks to trump’s market destabilizing colombia threats.
Here’s someone from my family
Losercity popcorn bucket
Americans, how do you feel about being an American in the current environment?
Well then, but you made that bed
The problems of being animalistic
help me please! trying to figure out what this is :(
Can you separate the art from the artist?
I am so mad!
Losercity dog
If death sits next to you in a bar and says "finish your drink, it's time to go." what will be your response?
Maybe now that he came for your job you'll understand
Our own take on the progressive pride flag!
Gender Reveal
Conserving history
Bird Flu? Prices? Lack of farm hands? We'll never know.