Embarrassed by our monthly spend but not motivated to change it
How Much Does Cutting Down on the Little Things Matter?
Ways to Use My Net Worth to Secure a Date?
What drastic steps have you taken to maximise your savings rate?
How do you even respond to this?
Why your friends / family don’t get it
My bitcoin standard, and what comes next
Big BTC purchase
Spyder RS
Who else has middle class friends who are “all-in” on crypto?
Mental health vs “just a few more months”
The "American Dream" hasn't died - it's been deliberately turned into a subscription service
Do you think that there will be a large number of men who won’t experience romantic relationships in the future?
720s 812
What is the best place to put a lump sum of cash to grow, but still having access to it after a couple years?
Successful men over 40, if you could go back to 30 and focus on a hobby-skill instead of career, would you?
What would you tell your 26 year old self?
23M. Would you buy a new vehicle in my shoes?
What price does Dogecoin have to be to make you a millionaire?
Should I dedicate more time to be more financially independent?
For those of you who have gone 100% all in
812 superfast-is there anything like it? Last car for me
How do you keep a man?
How to navigate social interactions when it comes to finance?
36(M), $4.8M net worth, $375K income.