What's your top 5 powerful/staple cards?
Queen of rap?
What Song Would You Choose to Listen to on Your Deathbed?
Movies that'll fuck my mind.
give me your favourite song ever.
Colorful Cars
What should I name my sweet boy! Something cute but human!
If this monster was blocking your path, what would you do?
Songs you can't scream the title of in public
What song has the best opening lyric?
give me the most hellish song you know
New to magic. Share your coolest looking commander
Land destruction decks, thoughts?
Need a gym motivation playlist!
Songs about extremly depressing topics that sound upbeat and happy?
Where to eat before an event at the Arlington theater?
You just left work pissed off. What’s the first song you put on in the car as you’re leaving to go home.
Your favorite straight burn decks?
I want some lesser known rock music - female lead
What is one album that you can sit through with no skips?
What is your favorite card of all time?
What song do you never skip no matter how many times you’ve heard it?
What Rap Album Should People Listen To Atleast Once In Their Lifetime?
Songs that feel like this
What is your favourite song over 10 minutes?