Legion of of the Damned Unification are kinda weak.
I really feel like we need Mk.2 Fuel Generators
Would you want another fo76 style fallout?
Auto save still overwriting my saves when turned off.
BIKES!! Why are always overlooked?
Daily Ops seems like a waste of time for little reward.
Burning love got a de-buff in PTS….
I'd like an optional hold to use instead of click to use for inventory.
Be 100% honest are pistols really that bad? Are they really Almost unuseable in end game?
Locking CAMP doors: why can players still enter without becoming wanted?
Fort fortress bundle has a bit of a scam item.
Was I in the wrong or just other people impatient? (Context in Comments)
After update glitches
Milepost Zero PTS Update - July 11, 2024
Need some kind of card locking for perk cards so they can't be easily removed.
Cute Ina animation
Do any of the PTS Updates concern yall
No more hidden DR!
Are shotguns getting another nerf? (PTS related)
Rather than nerfing weapons/legendary effects maybe they should instead buff other things to make them desired too
All Quad weapons now have -30% reload debuff on the PTS.
Fasnacht Butter Churn
For anyone getting no luck on the Fasnacht event drops: There is hope yet for the mythical butter churn! Never give up, never surrender!
Did in fact get the Butter Churn plans