Does anyone have a fully complete Eaglercraft version beyond 1.11?
Does anyone have a working 1.12 HTML file of Eaglercraft?
[TOMT] [MUSIC] A fast-paced, dramatic, and suspenseful violin score appearing as common background music for videos like YouTube Shorts.
Why do I get so much extra money from enemies after killing a boss?
I think the AI got a little carried away...
The AI got a little carried away...
How to import cities from JSON?
Non-laggy Eaglercraft shaders?
Some Questions about Dwarves
Does anyone know a couple good resource packs for Eagler?
EaglerPlayerStalker - A way to sta-... find Eaglercraft players
Why is Vanilla Tweaks refusing to upload?
How to make use of cities made during worldbuilding?
Does anyone have an HTML file to run Eaglercraft 1.9.4?
I found a letter
The birch door is not completely birch
Minecraft bedrock graphics update
In Minecraft Bedrock, I can hit mobs 3 blocks away, but can somehow interact with blocks BEHIND then, bypassing their hitbox. HOW?
The birch door is not entirely birch wood