Struggling with hair care. Why does nothing work?
My feet have terrible odour. Please help!
When she talks about meeting Jesus and seeing bones heal, is she outright lying? Or is she convincing herself of something happening after the fact? Or did she actually perceive that as happening at the time?
Are they too much
Is my nose too big
My neck two weeks ago and now.
Reversing heat damage?
Is my hair 4b or 4a?
Want to come to USC for exchange but concerned about safety
Is my 4head too big for cornrows or can I go ahead and get them
20F, am I ugly?
Advice Needed for Complicated Relationship Situation: Sex Before Marriage Issue
Charismatic Catholic Communities in the US?
How to come back from being the absolute worst sort of person? (Warning-pedophilia) Help needed
Why do a lot of Catholics not go to confession?
what is your ethnic/racial background?
If the saints are in heaven, what happens on Judgement Day?
What is your church community like?
Confessing only one thing
I went forward at catholic mass. I was denied and now I’m really embarrassed.
What personal experiences have you had with the Eucharist?
Priest laughed at me during confession…
Please help me and my fiancé deal with lust
Sign of peace in mass
Fellowshipping with Protestants