My therapist said that ppl with BPD can have the ability to separate sex from emotions easily
feel like absolute shit every single day
If you died right now would you be happy with the foot print you left behind and why?
Something I wondered about the whole show
Where in the timeline does Hysteric Birthday place?
Tell me some of your Corpse Party headcannons
WIP of Mayu! (summer uniform ed.)
AITA for ruining dinner by calling my wife's friend's 'virgo moment' a tantrum?
WIBTA if I go against my eldest daughters wishes and “invade her space”
AITA for not inviting a friend to a sleepover because he already had plans?
AITA for wanting my roommate to contribute to rent after study abroad?
When you accidentally overhear people talk about you (in a negative way) what do you do?
How do you make yourself more attractive?
Who is the most valuable person in your life, and what did they do to earn that title?
What is the most attractive quality in a partner?
What is Life according to you ?
What is the song that can always cheer you up?
Straight women of Reddit, what’s your opinion on the idea of “mansplaining”?
What’s a decision you made that had a huge impact on your life? How did it change things for you?
What ingredient of a sandwich is the most important for the overall taste of the sandwich?
Which episode would you make a new ending for if you could?
Does anyone else feel like they have really high social needs?
Does birth control make you better or worse?
Which episode is played the best for comedic moments?