Efficient speakers for low-watt tube amp?
Am I setting up this tape correctly?
Best record cleaners that don’t break the bank?
Nakamichi Dragon Tape Deck S/N: 21,xxx - Who still services/repairs in 2025?
Diatone and Micro seiki
Recommendations for a Tape Deck and/or CD Transport that would match the look of my Yamaha CA-810?
Any clue where I would be able to play test this thing out in la?
Would converting a reel to digital Be fine using the Aux cord or should I buy something like Behringer U-Control UCA222 USB Audio Interface?
Pinch roller stuck - TEAC 4300
Honda Dealership
Strip paint off pioneer hpm 100 cabinets anyone ever done it
My second set up
are noise reduction units worth it?
Who’s still holding DOGE?
Recommendations for good quality TT
Looking for a ¼" four track tape machine that can record and play both 7" home reels at 3¾ ips and 7½ ips but also professional 10½" reels at 15 ips.
Can anyone help me identify the speakers on the left? Anyone have experience with the cs-77a?
How do those of you who are middle class healthily budget to build greatsoundsystems over time without cooking yourselves financially?
Worth buying and repairing?
Recommended amplifier to DIATONE DS-77EX?
Can’t decide on a used turntable to upgrade to. My friend has all these. What would you pick?
Yamaha any one
Any help?
Chordless, Battery Powered, or Rechargeable Record Player?
Budget cd player