$100 for every serving of alcohol for the rest of your life.
I’ve been at my new job for ~3 weeks and got an offer from my dream company 2 days before our company offsite. How do I resign?
10KW inverter, SMA sunny boy vs Growatt
Grandmother wanting to claim me on taxes
Should I Switch Jobs
Does my father‘s house have to be sold with a reverse mortgage, now that he will be moving into a long-term facility and would no longer be living in the house?
company is going 100% electronic for paychecks & paystubs.
WIBTA If I move out of our apartment knowing my fiance and his mom can't afford it without me
I just learned what the landlord paid for his house.
My boyfriend wants to be served his dinner
Should I give notice, or just tell them to get f**ked?
AITA for telling my sister her baby name sounds ridiculous?
Press a button and the worst person in the world dies and you receive $1000
Anyone else freaking out about tax credits for solar possibly being abolished in 2025?
"Gifted" a Cruise by my Ex's Parents
Got fired, then hired, then a better offer
My job isn't giving me anything to do and it's really starting to affect my mental health :( I can't quit for a couple reasons, see below.
Wife of 7 years left me
Get $100,000 or play it risky for a chance to win $10,000,000
Legal implications of a genie giving you a $100 million
AITA for blocking my ex's number during my custody time?
Cruise Culture
Wife got me the gift I said I didnt want
Non stop messages
$1 million, but you must listen to everything bad that anyone has ever said about you in your life