Thanks For Telling Me to Size Up
For those that have more than 1 pair of AE's, whats your favorite pair and why? Was it your first pair? Was it your graduation/wedding/first job pair?
Business people in BJJ
Is a $700k home reasonable?
Leather Jacket Cologne Smell
When did you FULLY recover?
Is Disney really worth the cost?
Who is drinking alcohol and parenting at the same time?
Thinking of Selling Home: Teenager Reactions Causing Hesitation
Should I have been upset?
FYI: Inguinal hernia repairs: Open, laparoscopic, and robotic
When should I workout after surgery?
Suit and Shirt Advice
Mower Recommendations For 35%-40% Degree Slope
M(38) want to "rip the band-aid off" and just ~10 lbs in 4-6 weeks versus slow cut over 3 months. thoughts on this idea?
General diet question for lean muscle
Laparoscopic (TAPP) inguinal surgery. Surgeon *did not* fixate mesh, only put in place.
Week 3.5 Post-Op Update: Robotic Inguinal Repair
Laproscopic Hernia Recovery
Inguinal Hernia Post-Op Day 5
5 months post umbilical hernia surgery update
Positive stories + support pls 🥹
Help Mesh or Shouldice -never ending dilemma 😪
Recovery progression
Can I still go to the gym if I have Hernia?