Grandpa Sam Ben Adam
What is this?
Does Adam still have Chris?
What would happen if a male took a pregnancy test?
What is this country? Wrong answers only
Is this someone they knew?
During season 4, who's standing behind Ben while he's drunk with a Luigi PEZ dispenser?
Well... That say a lot...
The "Malagasy" or "Navajo" of your conlangs?
Has there ever been a case, where a language changed families?
Namibia Admins
Bush could make dead bush renewable
Challenge idea for tag
Bozo thinks a second plan didn’t hit the south tower
This dude was being 100% serious
What would you call this nation
What country is this ? Wrong answers only
Was the one person in Beaufort sold by the advertisement?
What’s an easy way to add a number
How did anyone discover this?
Just discovered I have perfect pitch, wtf
A question about perfect pitch
What real-world languages is your conlang influenced by? This is Rashkan's
Most Iconic Moments from Every Season?
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