Brothers love.
My Oxalis triangularis.
Finally 4,000 moonstones this week.
I love it 🖤 (Spooky Girl, Series 12)
Neoscona sp. building her nest
Public hospital suicide
My cat birthday, Coco turns 11.
This plant ♥
Local shops
I like this harp bug.
I forgot I was bottom watering my SOH when I started the vacuum
weed grower
The jumping spider inside my room
Salvia coccinea
Philodendron gloriosum
Passiflora ciliata
A friend in my garden
Cathaemasia reticulata - an obscure trematode of predatory birds. This beautiful specimen is from a kingfisher and dates back to the 1960s.
Jumper bro on my suculent
Lego style
Hi! Can anyone help me identify this plant? Apparently it's from Chile.
True life, I’m a gardener. I also hate gloves.
Peucetia sp. in my garden
Both hobbies