What’s a film where the supporting characters are way more interesting than the lead?
Players you're surprised aren't more popular?
Which actor, other than Henry Cavill, do you believe would be ideal for portraying James Bond?
His smile creeped me out so much, I looked up the actor who plays this role, and his real smile is beautiful. How does that even happen? I'm awe-struck at the acting here!
What do we call these guitars?
What comes to mind?
Who is your all time favorite female bad ass character?
What's one thing extroverts do that makes you mad?
What is your favorite foreign language film?
Funniest scene?
What’s the hardest ‘Would you rather…’ you’ve heard?
What movie made you walk out? I’m
Favorite Movie Soundtrack?
Movies with unbelievably good fight scenes?
Severance - 2x04 "Woe’s Hollow" - Episode Discussion
Ppl who love or hate Quentin Tarantino! What are your reasons?
What’s your most controversial movie opinion, that would have you like this?:
Excluding Holly, Who is the Most Morally Reprehensible Person in the BB Universe
What is your "impress me" song on the electric guitar
After finishing the series for the 5th time, this is my tier list
What movie had a realistic ending instead of doing the Hollywood thing?
Which movie is that for you?
Hank should be proud of Walt.
Here’s the second & final part of the filming locations I did in Albuquerque!
What scenes ruined the whole movie for you?