Would you like to see a hero from "Los muertos"?
how do you keep the fun when you’re solo queued?
How come some overwatch characters don’t say their ult in their native language
I’m so tired of the toxicity
Any chance we will ever see a true Melee DPS character?
good character for new player?
To my teammates, I'm sorry, this is what I was dealing with 90% of the time
We have become league of Legends
The widow nerf wasn’t the issue
I love ana but I hate this game
If hero bans were a thing how badly would Mercy be affected?
5 new skins from the chest
These ques are ridiculous
What should i do when the teams get grouped up?
Your rank is a lie. Prove me wrong.
There are so many ways to monetize this game and I can not believe they chose $500 skins
Blizzard screwed up a couple of Junker Queen skins
Blue Motes
Is it worth using a different dpi but the same cm/360?
What champion would you recommend that is easy for a new player.
What would be a easy champion for newer players
Cosmic mercy skin can be brought outside of the bundle
Whats the opinion on the new shop recolors
Top 500 leaderboard
Amethyst // Midnight Illari Closeups☀️ 🌙