What was the best fruit you've ever gotten from anything? (it could be gacha, factory, ship raids, pirate raids, notifier, trading, presents event etc)
My second class dream fulfilled
Can I take a Semi-automatic rifle in my boards exam?
Do I need to learn this ?
Which pen are you using to write your boards?
Dragon is op but being toxic doesn't excuse anything
Found blue gear if want pay yeti
Tweaking cause I got banned but not the pedo XD
Is yeti good
Should i eat yeti or keep rumble?
I got yeti and venom who wants it
What are the chances
I can find mirage in 10minutes(discord webhook)for payment
Could someone help me recover the account or have information let me know?
What was your first legendary fruit?
Looking for offers and low balling kitsune
Any offers
***SOLOING RAIDS!!! __Normal Raids__ 1-3: Blizzard | Shadow 4-7: Rumble | Portal | Buddha 8-10: Venom | Spirit 11-15: T-Rex | Mammoth 16-20: Leo | Kitsune 30+: Standard Perm __Dough & Phoenix Raids__ 1-3: Rumble | Portal | Buddha 4-5: Spirit | Mammoth 6-10: T-rex | Dough 11-20: Leo | KItsune good pe
Game suggestions
Trading these for any offers
Can one person solo the volcano event. Say like if I spawn it alone. Will I be able to solo it by doing both jobs alone. Is it possible
I'm level 2600 already and I'm contemplating eating kit is it worth it?