13dpo. Indent or squinter?
Chances of pregnancy?
13 DPO. Likely negative but I need more sets of eyes to help me out
10dpo (frozen sperm insemination)
I told my family, and it went well!
A silly question for someone who has just started ttc
Some observations 10 DPO/dpici
Energy and mood boost 10 DPO
6 DPO and I'm feeling a little ✨ delulu ✨
can’t hold it in i have to tell anyone
Officially in my first TWW
The wait is driving me INSANE
My dreams can come true!
First ICI is next week and my excitement has turned to anxiety
Preconception appointment
At Home Insemination - Canada
Your wishlist/hopes for 2025
My family can't see past the heteronormative, nuclear family structure
For those that have - How did you announce your pregnancy on social media?
At home( ici )
blood specialist / rh disease
Blood test during pregnancy
In Need of Baby Dust and Good Vibes!
Excited, nervous, all the damn emotions!
Ovulation timing help!