Jeffrey Dahmer dad was the TRUE villan in the story
First 50° day of the year!
The daily test of every dog across the world.
If ADHD and Sociopaphy are mental illnesses being gay is too
How should I interpret this email response?
A bit more than a blep.
Too much protein?
238 day streak is kinda sad
Who let this piglet in the house?
has religion helped you with anxiety?
Feeling Mid, Might Fall into
We have been deceiving you...
Imagine no consequences. BECAUSE THERE ARE NONE. There are those among us who don't care what damage they do to others.
Ticketed wife of LEO
People call too many things that aren’t pedophilia, pedophilia
Lazy coworkers ruining night shift
Gut microbes have an unexpected link to anxiety
ACD soup
Hot day at the park.
Anyone take their ACDs on trips? Share your photos!
RIP Reese(the baby beast) aka Camping dog. Throwback to her swimming while camping last summer🥰. She was 19 years old.
Worth six figure debt to go to west coast?
Are there any other parents of narcissistic children out there?
Is she still way too fat?
Is my heeler small? Or is she just a normal smaller female?