Looking for 2D Artist for my board game
I'm so alone
Idle Animation
Animating a sprite idle and walking using DnD
Weird Visual Glitch
Arctis Nova Pro Line-In and USB?
Best way to design cards on PC
What program / app do you use for your writing
Changing Signs
Expected Statement
Unable to open "Additional Expansions" on MogStation
PC Romina Help pw unholy (all lower case)
PC need help with Ancient Dragon Senesaax
[TOMT] A book series about a kid called Topher that goes down a river on a boat and it transports him to another world
Meds making me high
Material Shop
Does anyone else's MH give them a massive guilt complex?
BPD + Alcohol isn't a good choice
The best part about BPD is that music completely engulfs your soul
English pwBPD, how has your experience been with the NHS Mental Health services?
I hate myself
Hello R/BPD, My name is Alok "Dr. K" Kanojia, psychiatrist and Co-founder of HG, Ask me Anything!
I sabotage my own life without even knowing I'm doing it