A1 roming
Is it original? Can't find similar one anywhere...
Removed PSN?
Door latch not working
Help with BP shedding
Finished 2, let's play 3
So, I see the L494 has an air intake system that pulls air in from the top. But how does water not get into the intake from rain?
Do you find Termagants too hard to color?
Any games as good as Witcher 3?
I've had my new son for 2 weeks now
Should I be worried?
I've made an informational brochure to introduce the 40k setting to newcomers, with links to must-see cinematics, key novels, games, and more! Link to the .pdf in the comments
My wife’s first painted mini…
Where to start with Lore?
Papa's Here!
How do I become a Witcher in real life?
Why do some people confidently believe Ankalaev will be the one to dethrone Alex? His striking is levels below Alex’s and his grappling isn’t anything crazy.
Witcher's world
Finished Warhead
Will I miss out by not playing the first game
How to make things comfortable for a new ball python?
Any fix?
Angron is Battle Ready!
We got him yesterday.. 😁
What did people think about the 4th hokage Minato before he was officially revealed?