Tell me your favorite DuckTales (2017) episode...
Rarely known/underrated cartoons that you happen to like/love?
Most Important Cartoon Characters of Each Respective Decade
Which Avenger or Justice League member would you cast John Wilkes Booth to play?
which cartoon characters that people Favorite them as their favorites that make you act like this??
Favorite character with a star design on their shirt/torso?
what cartoon is this:
Give me your best, most cursed Ben 10 image you have!
Who is the great example of this ?
Spare me... please
You can see Rob in the mistakes realm, or 'void' in S3 E12
Hiccup Trying To Be Sneaky
Favorite character who'll persuade you to not give up?
I think Kilgrave from Jessica Jones is the best live action marvel villain
What do you think are some real plot armor moments? :D
Who would you cast for a modern "Breakfast Club"?
What do guys like in a girl that isn't appearance wise?
Favorite Irish Person?
very much missed potential
Favorite female sword user
What did Rachel's joke about March on tiles mean?
can you stop?
How Wallace sees Feathers McGraw
Who could Peyton List play in the MCU or DCU?
If I wrote you a symphony just to say how much you mean to me,what would you do?