Methamphetamine Vitamins
Drug Dealer Starter Pack
Robbed a paramedic
The solution to combat America's methamphetamine infatuation is less complex than you think (Op-ed)
I work weekend security and just got handed this id
What quietly disappeared over the last 20 years, and no one noticed?
I volunteer on the weekends to beautify the San Francisco Bay Area. A single volunteer can make a huge difference.
We’re all going to Hell
Is anyone actually enjoying the 2020s?
The rise of novel, semi‐synthetic 7‐hydroxymitragnine products
What Got You Playing It On These?
Best way to strengthen my eagle?
You just got to the gym, what’s playing on your headphones?
What are 3 words to describe your LIFE now?
I'm not addicted, I just need it to do anything, namasgay
Everyone staying warm?!
WYD with this bad boi
of a benedryl
Fuck harm reduction let bro cook
Eating Octopus (especially alive) should be illegal
30 something guys choosing a personality starterpack
Cigs get too much hate
36 hours without after 2x a day dosing for 14 years.
how long can kratom extract be stored in a dark temperature regulated closet
What positive trend in society are you beginning to notice?
I’m quitting drugs. Already feeling horrible. Please send advice and words of encouragement.