Jemmye’s response to Cara Maria’s TikTok video
Are these sandwiches worth it?
Sandwich prices made me lol
What made you like Zack Snyder so much?
Copyright Strike I reviewed their product?? (no freedom of speech?)
Our Justice League standing together.
Your thoughts on Faceless Channels
I use to LOVE Quiznos in the early 2000’s. Were they actually good or am I just living off of nostalgia? The only one left is an hr away from me (Seattle)
Did anyone else do a double take when they showed Frank with his husband?
Cara Maria on tik tok
Cara posts outlandish claim about U.S. government spending (and Syrus pushes back in her comments)
Saw this in r/Oakland, what businesses/restaurants are MAGA donators/supporters?
Nehemiah what you got there?
Premiere thoughts
If you don't want trans people to transition you hate liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Chris Evans agrees with Anthony Mackie
Thoughts about Nicholas Hoult?
What is the most overrated landmark in the world in your opinion?
Has the left become more unhinged than ever?
Does anyone hate Josh Martinez as much as I do?
Your birth month is the challenger you have to face in a final
Zach Admits to Being Hurt He Wasn't Called For All Stars 5
Challenge Couple You Wish Happened But Never Did?
Fake YouTube Scam Mail that almost hacked my 500k subs channel
Unpopular opinion. Way to many people in this sub are trying to start channels for income
Cara girl...