Only over 30 for answers please.
What's your MBTI and how long are you able to endure stress?
Tell me your favorite ISTP and Enneagram combination…
Dear INFPs, what do you appreciate/hate the most in other people?
Is anyone else a bit of a romantic?
(Umpteenth) Rom Advice Request
What's your MBTI and how deep do you think your general knowledge is?
Can you please draw me?
Which type are you more inclined to be romantically attracted to? Or, what types go best together romantically?
What's your dad's MBTI type?
me after overthinking about something and then realizing it wasnt that difficult that i made it out to be
What is your type, and what makes you happy?
IxTPs are not emotionless
Which MBTI is the best for deep conversations?
Any demisexual ISFJs here?
INFJs and (supposed) Golden Pairs
Don't be afraid to talk to the person you really like if you know you know ;)
Daily Re-meme #123
What do you most struggle with?
how do you do this
Name these groups!
Your mbti and what you hate the most about yourself/others?
Music/Music taste
ESFJ and the 5 Love Languages