Does there exist a summery care record in Scotland
I feel like giving up because of undiagnosed ADHD
What's the legality here - admitting the thought of committing a crime?
Specific information about scotland NHS (KIS)
Being an undiagnosed adult in the UK is the last circle of hell and I fucking hate it
Bright blue Adderall
If I am under the care of CMHT Di I go them for referral or the GP
Anyone in Scotland tried enlightened minds
what the fuck do people mean when they say "eyes go dark" "souless/dead eyes" "shark eyes" "serial killer eyes" ect i literally dont understand
Haven’t been called for jury duty in many, many years, is this normal? Is it random? How often have you been called up for jury duty?
Crashing my car within 2 days
How does benefits work if you do an advanced course?
Autistic in burnout who wants to quit their job but is scared
Police to screen for undiagnosed ADHD to combat crime
Man who admitted looking at child abuse for 10 years spared jail
Why would someone give me a phone vs their number??
What does this symbol mean?
'Litter picking is my way of earning benefits'
Is the UK still a high trust society?
Village of the damned
I'm worried about what my employer is doing and telling me to do
Majority of Britons receive more in benefits than they pay in taxes
IP address linked to house has just had electronic devices siezed
Fuck the victim mentality
I was brought into a staff-only room at the gym and berated for giving a fellow member a Christmas card. I don't feel safe there anymore. England.