What is the most attractive thing about a woman to you? Both physically or personally.
Ma voi quanto pagate di spese condominiali + riscaldamento?
Come si può vivere se si lavora 8 ore al giorno
Never played a TES game, want to start with Oblivion, which mods are Literally Mandatory?
Question on Greatshield Hardness level
Convincetemi a non farlo.
Ho fatto un giro a parco Sempione e Duomo :3
Cosa utilizzare per ricordarmi di fare 2 passi ogni ora?
I cani dovrebbero essere vietati nei condomini
Why a lot of femboys like the metal/goth aesthetic?
How to exit full screen applications with Ideapad 5 2 in 1 in touch mode?
Phantom Duelist possible on Advanced?
Col cazzo che faccio 40 ore alla settimana per 40 anni
I'm modifying my diet to include more proteine and less carbohydrates, this way the fats are going up, is it a problem?
Does the number of meals/snacks influence weight loss if the total calories is the same?
Can you give me tips for reaching my mid-term goal?
Plateau after the first kgs, which approach to adopt?
Can you help me to find a tablet with these requisites? If it exists xD
Qual è per voi il gioco con il miglior combat system che abbiate mai giocato?
Credete ancora nel valore educativo dell'arte?
How much Cola do you drink a day ?
What's the game that you strictly play with a controller only?
I need to go away for 2-3 weeks, can I take my hamster with me in a smaller enclosure?
An Etrian Odyssey Horror, Remake