It only took 45 years to emerge from my shell
My brother asked for Obi-Wan and Darth Vader having a lightsaber fight on a watermelon cake for his birthday
Good or Bad. What is one thing you would say to Taylor Sheridan about S2?
Carrying pepper spray while skating
Lemon Blueberry Blossom Crumble Pie for Pi Day! 🥧
Tomorrow is my birthday and no one knows.
Landlord is asking me to send my ssn over email.
Spring Training Game Thread: St. Louis Cardinals (8-11) @ Houston Astros (9-9) [Thursday, March 13, 2025; 12:05 PM CT]
I made these six pound baking sheets
Outdoor Roller Skating spots
What was your school lunch like?
essy recipies for a depressed beginner?
Best TV Series Finale?
Are skinny/healthy weight people just not as hungry as people who struggle with obesity?
The trans Americans turning to guns for protection
Our store finally got these.
i hate being trans in this world.
Daily Discussion Thread (2/16/25)
As an American, how do you feel about your future?
What matters more in morality: outcomes or intentions?
Old buddies reunited- Oakland Raiders defensive end John Matuszak and Houston Oilers quarterback Ken Stabler before the AFC Wildcard Playoff game, 1980. The Raiders defeated the Oilers 27-7
Do you think people used to be more intelligent ?
National Museum US Air Force
Am grateful to be healthy and strong without any medication