I wasn’t gonna, but sure. Box!
When have Krieg fought Daemons?
Death Korps Kill Team Changes: Is it just me or are they extremely mild?
What is this thing?
Built a backyard ice rink for my 3 year old. Might be the first backyard rink in New Orleans?
Repurposing Krieg Kill Team in 40K
Krieg Commissar Inspection
How do we feel about these poses?
The Lost World action figure
What do you prime with?
First time painting DKOK
Krieg Reinforcements
Death Korps of Krieg Casualty Models
Opinions on the scheme of my new army.
First appearance of Krieg? 3rd edition Imperial Guard codex, circa 1999
Advice on kitbash
Adeptus Mechanicus reaction to Kreig rejoining the imperium
Krieg Armour, Ready for the New Edition
A while ago, someone on this sub, asked about the "Shotgun Revolver" of Grenadiers. I can't find the OG post, so I leave it here. Info on Lexicanum: https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Shotgun
Gameplay difference between Grenadiers and Karskin
Genestealer's kiss VS the Krieg
New Project: DKOK Kill Team. Any pose recommendations NOT in the traditional sense/instructions? Limited/new to conversions, but willing to try.
Colour Scheme Advice