Now what? 🫠 My spouse put my plants in a freezing car.
What to do for these unruly plants?
Update on the Jesus Garfield playboy tattoo: it’s actually upside down!
WIBTA if I press charges on a 12 for accusing me ?
It seems like RXJS Pairwise breaks when applied to Observable (causes issues with a FormControl.valueChanges)
Pugs should not exist, and if you contribute to perpetuating their existence, you're evil
Can I dispute a towing charge?
CMV: Christianity and Republican Politics Are Fundamentally Opposed
I say "I'm sorry that happened", you say "don't apologize, it's not your fault"
Can I / should I ask for full-time employment from the company I'm contracting for?
Tell me I'm being dumb and that I should just ask to join the team
The pastor who counseled me and my ex fiance to break up later asked her out on a date
If you like pugs as a breed, you're not a good person. There should be no more pugs.
Is there such a thing in the US as a "red/conservative" big city?
What Is going on with Corridor Digital? Or am I nitpicking way too much?
What's the plan here?
SOTE bullied me, but I just fought Gael for the first time and won, first try
I dumped my short boyfriend because of his Insecurities.
I just want to know anything about the state of the world with certainty
A stranger complimented my parking job
I appreciate DS3 so much more after playing Elden Ring
F**k. This. Boss. That is all
Game Maker stutters / has visual artifacts in full screen
Is there an "html-2-canvas" that works with modern Angular? (Need to capture and save DOM as an image.)
Problematic water effect - camera position madness