Old man responsible for imposing tariffs doesn’t know how tariffs work
Bitcoin sees largest weekly drop in market cap since inception
Selling shares for the first time
What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, February 28, 2025
Some trader just bought another $8M in $VIX calls for May - last time we saw this? 2008 GFC
Some codes I found, just add the 3 last characters, Enjoy!
Are these Ex and Energy cards real?
Crypto bro with no chance to prove funds going into IBKR?
The real video of musk "abandoning" his kid
Looking at today’s market, I’m quickly liquidating everything.
What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, February 26, 2025
Ordering from Scorptec?
Coke Zero tastes horrible
How to play chess constructively with young beginners? Do you let them win?
Gamers are WAY too obsessed with in-game cosmetics.
I am Failing My 25k Challenge
Saw a trader turn 175k into 1.2M in 60 minutes on $VKTX
Herbalife ($HLF) is going to bounce back HARD after EARNINGS
Would you guys ever wanna see this in the tcg lol
Happened on Rodeo Drive
How long is settlement on cash for internal funds transfers
Is it just me or does anyone feel like they had enough of cost of living in Sydney...
I’m 30, finally have a little money stockpiled, and want to begin investing. Now feels like a bad time.
You will win $1 Million if you can sit through a comedy show and not laugh or smile once. You can pick any comedian you want. Who's show are you going to?
Ultimate Guard Xenoskin ZipFolio vs Vault x Premium zip Binder