Breaking up due to porn videos
Are you bothered by the colour of the ash (black ash/grey/white)
What is everyone’s opinion on flower rosin, would you pay 20-30/g ?
Avg 22k miles a year motorway commuting, any enjoyable diesels that are ulez compliant under 7k?
What are the best Jaffa cakes?
Called me a pathetic liar for asking him to manage his BPD 💀
Where would you realistically move to if you didn't live in the UK?
Everyone keeps asking about the space black
Someone just reversed into me on a main road
Thai GMO x Chile Verde Hash Rosin
Sunday dabs - Hash Rosin
Pickle friends unite: where to find the best pickles?
M&S Skips are better than actual Skips. What other supermarket versions are better than the original?
Wasn’t sure at first
Picked up a Oz of super runtz and second picture some skittles for 180 can't go wrong
Some of the tastiest UK MAC #1 I've had in years
Original z and pink guava
Pick up for Jan and first donut
How to get a dab without losing shatter
What’s going to replace Stardawg?
Might switch from green to hash and some advice needed please.
White ash vs black ash
My favorite auto so far
McDonalds App freezes
Rotten Rainbow (Pinepaya x RS11)