Black girl Canada Rhinoplasty Suggestions
what perfume suits this??
Tell us your current favourite fragrance and let the comments judge you
I just want to know what's going on
package hasn’t moved in 9 days
to anyone who got a rhinoplasty, was it worth it?
Who are your top picks for Rhinoplasty surgeons in Turkey now we’re in 2024?
I'm disgusted. Is everyone so scared of Angela that they pretend get behavior is okay?!
Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino, St. Rita, Archangel Michael and Mother Mary
Eyeglass ID
Adjustment or bad test
I honestly want to know if you guys think I’m capable of that.
what scent got you in to fragrances?
Hyped fragrances you didn’t like?
Embarrassed that I seem to have worn an off-putting scent today
People who are 40 years old and over, what are the harshest life lessons you have learnt?
Whats yall favorite quest song?
People who like Monica are weird
where are my 'water and grease only' people
Unconfirmed reports are saying that Monica will not be returning
Wedding gown designer pic for Darcy wedding shoot and her pic.
Is it normal to grow up and realize your sibling is actually a horribly insufferable person?
I left canada, but owe money. It might go to debt collectors, what will happen?
Rhinoplasty in Turkey
Mastoplexy experiences in turkey