My art was shown publicly for the first time ever last night!!
Now it’s his OCD?
Singles, what are you gonna do for February 14?
SF 5'6 And Under Sex Party?
Girls @ My Feet
Do any of you delete your/your exes pics/videos?
What are some tv shows/movies that gay guys like/love but you don’t?
Gay who have girl bestfriends, how's your relationship with her boyfriend?
My main motivation to go to the gym /to run
Anybody else here more of a side out of necessity?
Are there gay men who find skinny men attractive?
Vlog summary
I Just Clocked a Catfish 🤡
Am I a sub top?
This is Satire
Imagine this .....
Do you like short dudes?
PSA for bottoms: If your top can’t get it up due to performance anxiety, CHILL OUT and take the pressure off him.
I’m Single 😭
Do you still get discriminated as a gay person?
Funny experience I had last night, thought you all would like it.
How is everyone?
Sorry, I'm one of those people on the flight 🧦
Candid imagery of a man with his face and feet in frame are amazing