[Early Easter][-star-] Be active. Optimize habs and artifacts. Use deflector when not building.
[Domestic production][-star-] be active, optimize habs and artifacts for max production, deflectors on when you're not building.
too many eggs! Help!
[Sick af][-star-] be active. Optimize habs and artifacts for max production. Deflectors on when not building. Don't send tokens to those that don't need them.
[Leftovers][-star-] optimize habs and artifacts for maximum egg production, deflector on unless you're actively building, and don't send tokens unless one of us asks in the chat
[Backup][-star-] Be active, optimize habs and artifacts.
[Never enough][-star-] be active. Optimize habs and artifacts.
[New Egglan][-star-] should be able to knock this out fast if everyone is active and optimizes habs and artifacts.
[Laurel vs yanny][-star-] be active, optimize habs and artifacts, don't leech or token spam.
[Family function][-STAR-] be active, optimize habs and artifacts
[Pre-diet][-star-] be active, optimize habs and artifacts for max laying rate, contribute according to ability.
[Through the snow][-star-] optimize habs and artifacts, be active. Let's knock this bright screen nightmare out fast.
[Fast toys][-star-] optimize habs and artifacts, contribute according to ability, be active
[Worlds largest omelet][-star-] optimize habs and artifacts, participate accordingly.
[Night lights][-star-] be active, contribute as able.
[Fire season][-star-]
[Nothing is happening][-star-]
[Ultimate Counters][-dtar-]
[Goodbye summer][-star-]
[Graviton gradient][-star-]
[Athlete a/c][-star-]
[Carbhen Fiber][-Star-]
[Summer Satelites][-star-]
[Dad recovery][-star-]