Stories from Dub Airport security
Ticket selling thread - Please post your tickets here :)
Rox resale (can’t find link for txcket?)
How do I let go?
Who, in your opinion, is the best singer (technique wise)
Manchester Airport - how screwed am I?
Groups of dangerous youngsters (Dame St., Dub)
Is it time to ban phones?
20 Jahre BH Klubnacht 13/14/15 December 2024 - Queue live updates & event discussion. NO OVER-SHARING
Meat free x vault experience?
Sled push & pulls in comparison to body weight
Public Park Group Training ADVICE
Bier (Courses)
Film camera help!! Full rolls half black (Olympus om10)
Hey guys, I recently developed two rolls of film. Sadly, there is a black cast covering the bottom half on both films….. I have an Olympus om1. Nothing seems obvious from the lense. Anyone have any ideas? Example below!
Interview TUM