I wish there was porn of __
Gwen and Miles vs OG Peter. Who wins?
how old are you guys?
Why do so many people headcanon Jax as being black?
Don't you wish your girlfriend was ___ like me?
who is YOUR favourite character and DON'T say connor 💔💔
It's time we rate Danny's daddy
R/______ is the best subreddit I love it
Name a Joke or Quote you think has been done to death on this sub
im gonna plant my pussy on your ______
Is Garnet considered the most popular character in su besides Steven? (asking mainly because of the crossovers)
I'm sorry, but you need ________ to enter the bar.
I rated their appearances. How about you ?
Am I the only one who felt that Markus and North’s love story was completely unnecessary?
Do you believe in God?
did i cook with the placements
People don’t talk enough about how Connie drank Steven’s backwash KNOWINGLY!!
Do you want Lapidot to happen or should Peridot actually be Ace?
why did they do that? Are they lebanese?
Do you spirits wanna say something?
If you could make one thing from Steven universe real, what would it be?
Jax has a mental/psychological disorder. Which one is it?
Do you exist?
Okay guys you’ll have to hear me out…but am I the only one who thinks Bryan Patrick Dechart kind of resembles Connor if you squint?