Newly discovered and good so far
This sounds stupid but… tips for not binging for just a day?
Meatloaf that I made for lunch
Low cal options for sweet tooth after dinner?
Actually good new miracle noodle
Rescued today. She is nameless at the moment.
What foods make you feel really full without eating much of it?
dealing with orally disintegrating lamotrigine tablets
Lexapro weight gain?
What are your PTSD flashbacks like?
I'm unmedicated 30(f) and I am extremely fatigued.
I accidentally cut myself while trying to cut myself.
My first cat’s name is Caramel and I want this cat name to be related to it
Is this cancer 😭
Favorite dispensary?
Fine line Tattoo Artists/ Reputable Shops
whats it like going out in public with visible scars?
any holistic medicine that helps you?
Apologize in the comments like how your parents would.
What's the most absurd thing your nparent got mad over?
Do you think a manic episode lowered your intelligence?
Wall to wall med rare
What are some songs that feel like (hypo)mania?