Anyone know what he’s mimicking?
New toys/enrichment ideas?
Borb almost escapes jail by burrowing into wall
He’s a little slow
Which sex?
How do I tell my girlfriend that I don’t like her tan? 16M and 15F
How do I tell my girlfriend that I don’t like her tan
what to do about girl with questionable past? 16M and 15F
question about a girls past and potential relationship (16M and 15F)?
Rate this cage setup
Leg band removal
How to give medicine tips
Dual monitor mount
Which monitor arm
Tip tap
Question on school punishment
Birds ALWAYS stop what they're doing when you start recording them.
Upgrade compatibility
Does anyone know the sex and age of my two budgies?
Is this an okay place for a cage
Why is my bird doing this
Is my budgie happy?
Cage recommendations